Saying Goodbye to Miss Silver


The time comes when the puppies state to leave us.
The first to leave the nest of this litter is Miss Silver.
David, from Idaho has been looking forward to getting a puppy for a long time.
He will show little Miss Silver who will now be called "Holly" ...
Von Rose Deck the Halls. See Holly's page.

David and Holly.

David flew in from Idaho and spent the weekend with us. He learned about grooming
and training and ear posting and toenails and teeth and on and on.
Holly practiced in her travel bag and did very well. She also got to know
her new best friend. They are going to have a wonderful life together.

Suzanne and I spend some precious time with the little sweetheart.
It is always hard to see them go, but we love to see how happy they make their new owners.

Here is a family shot. I have older brother Phantom, Suzanne has mama Ellie
and David with the prize, Holly.

One last bye kiss for mama and we are off to the airport and a world full of new adventures.

